Saturday, May 14, 2011

Dueces Pied Piper

Am I CRAZY? Probably so, probably so!

Before I get to the crazy part had to post two pics just because. Cutter has decided that he should play with the horse's jolly balls. They are huge but he is strong!

This picture was taken after Nixin's first ride. She was thanking Santannah for letting her ride him. When I put her in the saddle he literally bend his head around to see what lightweight was in the saddle. He was so sweet I think he recognized our little girl was in the saddle and proceed with caution! Thanks Santannah!

OK- Now we are to the CRAZY part........Meet Deuce's Pied Piper, "Piper" to us. She is a 4 month old Australian Shepherd. When Rowdy died I got Cutter to keep Cowgirl company. When Cowgirl died Cutter was miserable so I decided after a lot of thought and against my better judgement to get Piper for Cutter. Now that I see how joyous Cutter is I'm glad I got her even though I have my work cut out for me trying to get these two trained.

Our first walk was very successful.

She is very sweet a much calmer than Cutter boy!

He is all over her like white on rice. She takes it well and is starting to let him know when she has had enough. I see alpha female all over Piper! Watch out Cutter!


Ina said...

Yep, you are cray! Not really, Piper iss beautiful and I can already tell that Cutter really likes her. I love the picture of Cutter with the Jolly Ball. Santannah is a beautiful horse.

The Monrreal's said...

Oh my gosh, you are crazy! Two puppies! And a cattle dog and Australian Shepard on top of that! You will definitely have your hands full for awhile. Luckily you are amazing with animals. I have no doubt these two will be amazing companions and great dogs! Piper is adorable!