Saturday, March 16, 2013

One of My Favorite Things!

Its no secret that I love horses and I love to ride! I can thank my parents for that, if I haven't I need too!

My first experiences riding a horse were when we would spend time in Panaca,Nevada with my grandparents,James and Lois Wadsworth,my mother's parents. Among other things my grandfather was a farmer and they always had a few horses around. My brothers,my cousins and I would take turns riding around Panaca. I didn't really know how to care for a horse,saddle  horse and I'm sure I didn't ride very well but I was in love. 

Somewhere along the way I became horse crazy and drove my parents crazy because I was quite persistent in my begging for a horse. My dad,trying to make me be responsible,gave me an assignment to find out what they would eat and how much it would cost so I made a trip to the feed store. I also needed to find out what else was needed such as tack and brushes and the cost. Of course, I was happy to do this because I hoped it would convince my parents that we did indeed need a horse.

I'm pretty sure my mom was the one who actually convinced my dad that we needed a horse and all of my research was to make me work for it. Then one day,I believe I was in the 7th grade, my Uncle Leo arrived in El Cajon, California all the way from Panaca, Nevada with two horses,my yearling Kawitchee and Paul's 4 year old gelding, Apachee. He sold us these two horses for 1 dollar each and I have been hooked ever since.

Over the past few months I have been lucky to find some new trails to ride with some great friends!

 Yes I know this is a dorky picture but I'm he one who always takes the pictures so I'm never in the pictures. I snapped this one today and its hard to take a good picture while you are actually riding like I am here. I was the only one on this ride wearing a helmet -safety first!
 Todays ride was to Pott's Canyon. This is Toy and his dog Sally. Look how green our Arizona desert is right now!
 Marla on Red and Teri on Big Jim, two of my neighbors.
 Just a taste of the beautiful scenery!
 Dee Patrick riding the creek. That was fun for us in AZ,not a lot of water opportunities here. 
 We rode to Cottonwood,tied the horses and had BBQ hot dogs for lunch!
 These two collages are out of order but this is one of Teri's and my favorite rides to Coon Bluff. The top picture is of some of the wild horses. The bottom picture is Big Jim in the river and a bald eagle in the tree. Teri has since found the nest.

 Toy cooking hot dogs at Cottonwood and his daughter Devan in the tree.
 Bill and Marla Patrick, my neighbors and our hosts for the ride.
 My friend Mary and her horse Cali and my boy Santannah after we had crossed the river at Coon Bluff.

I would say I am a lucky girl to have had my dream of owning a horse realized at such a young age and  again as an adult! 

1 comment:

Ina said...

I love this post. It is beautiful. From the time I was a very little girl, I loved horses and always had one, or more, to ride. One of my fondest dreams came true when I had a daughter who loved horses and we were living where we could have them. Kawitchee and Apache came to live with us and you were in heaven (as was I). It has been a fantastic ride. Even though my rides these days are through your rides and stories, they never-the-less, are wonderful. Thank you for letting me ride along with youl.