Friday, June 11, 2010

Cowgirls Nemisis

I came home last week and Cowgirl was going nuts out at Kya's cage. I looked out the window and on top of the cage was a squirrel. Steve noticed that she is a nursing mom. Cow was on top of the spa trying to get at Mama squirrel. She obviously came to feed off of Kya's dropped fruit and seeds. I locked Cowgirl up so mama could make her escape. We came home today to find Cow back on top of the spa because Mama squirrel was back. She is living in the wash between Teri's place and ours. Hope she steers clear of our Cowgirl.

Kya is in the upper left corner.Not sure what to think about mama squirrel.

I have been so excited that our Jacaranda tree bloomed this year. The first one we planted died in the frost a few years ago having never bloomed. We planted this one but it failed to bloom last year (pretty scrawny)......but this year its BLOOMIN AWESOME!


Ina said...

Cowgirl, the Huntress. What would we do without her? I just hope mama squirrel gets to raise her babies. The Jacaranda tree is beautiful!

Our Flippin Life said...
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Colburns said...

So I see Kia has a new friend. They can both yell at poor Cowgirl.