Saturday, August 23, 2008

R & R in Puerto Penasco

I just got my laptop back from the Dell repair shop. I've missed a lot on my unfortunate internet hiatus! Julie now has a blog, this will be very interesting, Jenna is doing a slice and dice on her arm, Cote started the 2nd grade and Brexton to the delight of many attending the Dark Night movie wore his Batman costume to the show with his dad!

Steve and I just spent a few very relaxing days in Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point). I didn't take my camera! The water was so warm, my kind of ocean excursion. We watched a few movies, ate out, had a massage,Steve had his first pedicure (first and last I think),swam, watched the olympics,basically just chilled -that's hard for Steve to do! We enjoyed our time together but it is always nice to come home.

I found out that while I was gone my trainer Dave Rossiter rode my filly Psynna for the first time. I guess she is doing real well even though on ride four she started a buckin. That usually happens around ride four. Dave told me she definitely has a mind of her own,that's why she is there with you Dave!


Ina said...

Your trip to Puerto Penasco is definitely my kind of "R & R". It doesn't get much better than being by the ocean whether it's swimming (ummm warm water), walking and picking up shells, or just watching the light play over the water. We're glad you and Steve could do this. And, hey Steve, are you enjoying your beautiful toesies??? It's exciting that Pysnna is doing so great.

Our Flippin Life said...

I am glad you guys got away from it all. but the birthday party looked like a lot of fun and we wish we could be there. so we are going to go climbing on sunday so that almost makes up for missing them.