Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Traditions

 Cote,Brexton and Nixin visiting Santa!
 Of course we have our long standing Gingerbread House tradition. The kids love it more each year. Nixin was very determined this year. She knew exactly what she wanted to do.
 Cote is a pro by now but you can see he still enjoys it.
 Brexton was very excited to do a train this year. He told me it was his most favorite ever!
 Job well done!
 Today we did Christmas cookies. Nixin enjoyed cutting out and decorating her cookies. She made the star below for her G-Mama. Like I said, if sprinkles are an indication of love then.....I am loved!

 Cote and Brexton decorated theirs when they came home from school. Cote was excited to eat his cookies and Brexton was excited to decorate and eat his cookies.
 Brexton made this star for me.....notice the number of sprinkles on mine? Luv it!
It is important to have family traditions. Life can sometimes be hard and throw us a curve. We experience joys and sorrows within our families. Traditions are constants in our lives. During our hard times we can participate in our family traditions and we can also remember and reflect on the joy we experienced being together and the love we have for each other. I'm thankful that my parents started many family traditions like these that we are still participating in today!


Ina said...
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Ina said...

Family Traditions are very important. The joy we experience as we participate together is a constant in our lives and helps to bind our family even closer together. It is exciting to see our favorite traditions handed down and observed through the generations.

The Monrreal's said...

I love seeing the family traditions! To think Grandma started this so many years ago and although we may not be able to be together for the holidays, gingerhouse making continues on through the generations. It's so fun to know that we all make these houses (now trains, villages, etc).

A few years ago we started making Granddad's cinnamon rolls every year as one of our newer traditions. I remember Granddad always having them for us on Christmas Day for breakfast, since we're not there and I missed them so much we started making them, using his recipe (excluding the nuts, raisins and all the stuff he'd that he'd probably say is what makes them so good). :)