Monday, August 22, 2011

Vernon with Craig's Family

In preparation for my parents 60th wedding anniversary celebration, yes I said 60th, my brother Craig and his family came to Mesa, Arizona a little early to spend additional time with family and each other.

Being that it was July and that translates to hot here in Mesa we decided to head up to our cabin in Show Low, Arizona to take a break from the heat for a couple of days. Unfortunately my parents could not join us as my mom has a difficult time breathing in the higher elevation. Craig,my nieces Miranda and Hannah,my nephew Josh, Craig's girlfriend Tracy,her son Cameron and her daughter Chasity accompanied Steve and I to the cabin. We had a relaxing time in the cooler temps,some good food and even better company.

One of the things I wanted to do while there was to make the drive to Vernon, Arizona about 20 minutes outside of Show Low on the way to Springerville. I wanted to take the drive as my friends and neighbors, Teri and Reggie, have some property in Vernon that I wanted to visit.
As we made the turn onto Vernon Road heading towards their property I glanced to my left and saw this wonderful old windmill in a fenced vacant lot. I had my camera as did Craig. I mentioned on the way out we should stop and take some photos of this windmill.

We climbed through the fence to take pictures. Craig came up with some great photo ops and I followed his lead. I think these pictures are some of the best I have ever taken. Everyone patiently waited in the cars while Craig,Hannah and I did our thing.

It was a beautiful day with cloud cover that enhanced the photos.

This photo reminds me of something I would see in Panaca,Nevada my mother's hometown.
The writing on the windmill said "The Aermotor Chicago.

We all took a turn climbing up the windmill. Craig took the photos of me with my camera.

Hannah is very photogenic!
This was Craig's idea and I had to copy it because I knew it would be a great picture.

1 comment:

Ina said...

Wow, having grown up in Panaca, Nevada I love these pictures and the rugged, pristine life they evoke. They bring back beautiful memories of another time and another place.