Sunday, May 8, 2011

After 40 Years Steve Retires!

For the past 40 years Steve has been a hard working dentist. I have been privileged to work with him since Jan 2001. I started as his chair side assistant and I am presently working front office. I am so thankful that I have been able to work for Steve because I was able to see another side to him that I would not have experienced as his wife.

Dr Steven Gunnell is loved by his patients. He is honest,fair and very,very good at what he does. What does he do? Everything! Oral surgery including implants,ortho,some perio,endo,prosthodontics and general dentistry. Most general dentists do not do what Steve has done. Patients would be referred to specialist much more often. He is bold and a pioneer. If a patient needed treatment and there was no textbook procedure Dr. Gunnell would find a way!

Steve never wanted to be the most expensive dentist or the cheapest. He wanted to be known as fair and he was. If he had charged according to his skills he would have been one of the most expensive around! He has great compassion for his patients and he never wanted to burden them financially beyond what they could afford for treatment. I can't even begin to count the number of people he has helped at no cost. These are just a few of the things I learned about my husband Steve while working for him. People used to ask me if it was hard to work for my husband. Honestly,no! He is after all the "Dental God" and he taught me everything that I know. Now at home it is a different story!

Dr. Duffy and the office gifted Steve with this sandblasted boulder! Isn't it AWESOME! Dr. Duffy also presented Steve with the old sign to the dental office and I will post pictures of that once we hang it.
Cutter likes it!
Now you will be home to play with me won't ya Doc?
Cutter is already helping Steve water..................


Ina said...

Rhonda, this is a wonderful post. What a great tribute and compliment to Steve. But, it is true, all of it. I hear stories all of the time about Steve, his dentistry, his patients love for him, and the love and admiration his employees have for him. When you retired, Steve, I am sure a lot of people wept. They were fortunate to have you as their dentist. I know you have stepped in emergency and saved me from a lot of pain and discomfort on several ocassions. Thank you very much!

Love the beautiful rock/boulder, it is awesome! Cutter does like it. Love the pictures of Cutter. He is a beautiful boy.

The Monrreal's said...

Congratulations Steve! No one will ever be able to replace you. It's so hard to find someone who works for the love of what they do! I wish you a happy retirement and now you'll have your work cut out for you with all those ballgames (the grandkids and maybe even some Diamondback games), golfing, playing with the grandkids and finding time to travel between it all. Congrats!