Monday, October 12, 2009

My Toe Really Hurts!

This is what your big toe looks like after your horse steps on it. A little like a blood sausage. By the way blood sausage has always freaked me out. Thanks Psynna!


Colburns said...

Nice toe, remember that time when you were upstairs and kicked the wall and your little toe was sideways? Trey and I were laughing so hard, we were on the floor while you were rolling around in pain, you were so mad at us. You said "Stupid boys"! Just thought I would remind you of our love for you!

The Monrreal's said...

OUCH!! My gosh...makes my toe throb just looking at it. I'm sure it'll look even prettier over time. Hope your nail doesn't fall off.

Ina said...

Ouch! That looks so sore. What shoes did you have on?

Heidi said...