Saturday, April 25, 2009


Cowgirl a.k.a. The Huntress

Over the past few weeks Cowgirl has actually caught and killed at least three chipmunks. I hate it but that is the cycle of life. Yesterday I saw Cowgirl circling our prickly pear cactus out front. Then I heard a chipmunk who had hidden in the middle of the cactus taunting Cowgirl by screaming at her. Needless to say she wanted that chipmunk bad, real bad. I had to drag her away to her kennel so that the trouble maker could escape.

I wasn't home when it happened but I was told she ran head first into the cactus today after the chipmunk. She couldn't take it anymore. The result was cactus in the face but worst of all cactus in and around her left eye! It was off to the 24 hour emergency vet. They had to put her completely under so she is a little loopy but hey, she has a nice new hat!


Ina said...

Love Cowgirl's new hat! They say a true hunter/huntress gets so caught up in the chase with the rush and excitement that they do not think of the consequences or the pain that comes with it. In Cowgirl's case, that has certinly proved true over and over again. Our animals. . .can't live with them, can't live without them. Cowgirl and Muggles have made our lives interesting, in a monetary and nerve fraying way, the last couple of days. Gotta love em!

Aunt Carrie said...

Poor baby! I bet she did it on purpose to get that nice, comfy, cool bed in the house!!!